Nimbus (B)
Behold the man, numb. Pebbles I thumb,
bitumen and ribs. Behold.
Blessed be blast and hubbub.
Blessed be notions enjambed.
Bless rabbits and burdock root
bedevilling the burbs’ drab prefab.
Bamboozle businesses and lobbyists;
Bless me also thus:
biology’s ad-lib, limbs ribboned with ebb of blood.
Bless us sunstabbed with each daybreak we absorb.
Bless blossoms born between the scree.
Bless this perception … buffering…
bored by bright objects, bored straight through.
Bless any hub. Bless you.
Bless belief gibbous past the brain.
Because it is Being we seek, we
bow into ourselves, and then beyond.
Bless each obviously cribbed
bequest I lob, each bursting symbol.
Billion-eyed observe me: above below backless
Become, behold and hold.